January 08, 2025 09:05 pm (IST)
Apr 04, 2016, at 09:55 pm
On March 19, 2016, Counter-Terrorism and Trans National Crime Unit (CTTC) Chief Monirul Islam stated that Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) had set up eight hideouts in Dhaka city to carry out killings of secular people. A group of 20 militants, dubbed "the killing squad" by investigators, are reportedly engaged in 'managing' these hideouts. Explaining the modus operandi, investigators disclosed that, prior to killing secular targets, ABT terrorists rent houses from where they monitor their victims before making the final move."Last month, they planned to kill a blogger named Niloy who lives in Dhaka's Azimpur," Monirul Islam stated, adding that the Security Forces (SFs) had foiled the attempt.
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Mon, Apr 04 2016