December 11, 2024 22:44 (IST)
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'Seems targeted': Sharad Pawar disagrees with Congress on JPC demand over Hindenburg's Adani report | 'Proud day': UK PM Rishi Sunak reacts to mother-in-law Sudha Murty's Padma Award | Shah Rukh Khan tops TIME's annual list of most influential people, Lionel Messi secures 5th spot | Union Home Minister Amit Shah slams oppn, claims BJP will again come power with 300 plus seats | Former Andhra Pradesh CM Kiran Kumar Reddy joins BJP | 'Does a less educated PM have the capacity to...?' Manish Sisodia attacks Modi in letter from jail | Cabinet approves revised domestic gas pricing guidelines, natural gas price set at 10 pct of Indian Crude Basket monthly average | IPL 2023: KKR decimate starry RCB by 81 runs in front of home crowd | Released from jail, Navjot Singh Sidhu meets 'mentor' Rahul Gandhi, 'friend' Priyanka | Congress claims BJP 'tutored' Padma awardee artist to praise PM Modi for Muslim votes in Karnataka elections
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