December 11, 2024 22:27 (IST)
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Centre proposes changes to e-commerce rules, bans flash sales | 'Well done India!' PM Modi lauds as record 80 lakh people get vaccinated today | Sharad Pawar calls opposition parties' meet after discussions with Prashant Kishor | Upset with BJP MP's call for North Bengal UT, Alipurduar party president, 6 others to join TMC | Tamil Nadu: One more week of lockdown with relaxations commences | India registers 53,256 new COVID-19 cases, lowest figure in 88 days | Yoga remains ray of hope in Covid-hit world, says Narendra Modi | NSA largely abused by BJP govt: Goa leader Vijay Sardesai | PM Narendra Modi to address 7th International Yoga Day programme tomorrow | All coronavirus deaths to be certified, action against defaulters: Centre informs Supreme Court
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