Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)
Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor walked the ramp at the Kolkata Fashion Expo on Wednesday (August 7, 2019). She was dressed in the season's most exciting look for ‘WNW’, bringing the spectacle to a grand finale. Several other models Deepti Gujral, Pooja Katyal, Anita Kumar, Reha Sukheja, Kanika Dev, Sneha Upadhyay, Alesia Raut also graced the ramp. (Images by Avishek Mitra)