Gluttonous star may hold clues to planet formation
Jun 15, 2016, at 02:46 pm
California, June 15 (IBNS): In 1936, the young star FU Orionis began gobbling material from its surrounding disk of gas and dust with a sudden voraciousness.
NASA Mars Rover descends Plateau, turns toward Mountain
Jun 14, 2016, at 02:59 pm
Washington, June 14 (IBNS) NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has analyzed its 12th drilled sample of Mars. This sample came from mudstone bedrock, which the rover resumed climbing in late May after six months studying other features.
Hubble uncovers a mysterious Hermit
Jun 11, 2016, at 02:50 pm
Washington, June 11 (IBNS): The drizzle of stars scattered across this image forms a galaxy known as UGC 4879. UGC 4879 is an irregular dwarf galaxy — as the name suggests, galaxies of this type are a little smaller and messier than their cosmic cousins, lacking the majestic swirl of a spiral or the coherence of an elliptical.
The jagged shores of Pluto’s highlands
Jun 10, 2016, at 02:37 pm
Washington, June 10 (IBNS) This enhanced color view from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft zooms in on the southeastern portion of Pluto’s great ice plains, where at lower right the plains border rugged, dark highlands informally named Krun Macula. (Krun is the lord of the underworld in the Mandaean religion, and a ‘macula’ is a dark feature on a planetary surface).
NASA's GPM sees tropical storm Colin take aim at Florida
Jun 07, 2016, at 06:37 am
Washington, June 7 (IBNS) Although hurricane season officially began on June 1, we already have the third named storm of the season with the arrival of Tropical Storm Colin in the Gulf of Mexico.
NASA studies details of a greening Arctic
Jun 03, 2016, at 11:41 pm
Washington, June 2 (IBNS) The northern reaches of North America are getting greener, according to a NASA study that provides the most detailed look yet at plant life across Alaska and Canada. In a changing climate, almost a third of the land cover – much of it Arctic tundra – is looking more like landscapes found in warmer ecosystems.
New Horizons' best close-Up of Pluto's surface
May 28, 2016, at 04:58 pm
California, May 28 (IBNS) This is the most detailed view of Pluto’s terrain you’ll see for a very long time. This mosaic strip – extending across the hemisphere that faced the New Horizons spacecraft as it flew past Pluto on July 14, 2015 – now includes all of the highest-resolution images taken by the NASA probe. (Be sure to zoom in for maximum detail.)
NASA's GPM Satellite sees potential Atlantic Tropical Cyclone
May 27, 2016, at 03:12 pm
California, May 27 (IBNS) An area of low pressure designated as System 91L, located in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda and the Bahamas is being monitored today for possible development into a tropical or subtropical cyclone. The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission core observatory satellite flew over the developing low pressure area on May 26, 2016 at 0932 UTC (5:30 a.m. EDT).
NASA scientists explain the art of creating digital Hurricanes
May 26, 2016, at 02:44 pm
California, May 26 (IBNS) Every day, scientists at NASA work on creating better hurricanes – on a computer screen.
NASA: Solar storms may have been key to life on Earth
May 24, 2016, at 03:12 pm
California, May 24 (IBNS): Our sun's adolescence was stormy—and new evidence shows that these tempests may have been just the key to seeding life as we know it.
NASA crash-test dummies suit up for action
May 19, 2016, at 05:24 pm
California, May 19 (IBNS) Upon re-entry from a deep space mission, NASA’s next generation spacecraft, more commonly known as Orion, will descend under its three main parachutes, swaying in the wind until its final splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.
Fort McMurray fire sends up huge columns of smoke
May 18, 2016, at 04:52 am
California, May 17 (IBNS) Huge columns of smoke rise up from the myriad of fires in the Fort McMurray complex in Alberta, Canada.
NASA super pressure balloon begins globetrotting journey
May 18, 2016, at 03:33 am
Wanaka, New Zealand, May 17 (IBNS) NASA on Tuesday said it successfully launched a super pressure balloon (SPB) from Wanaka Airport, New Zealand on a potentially record-breaking, around-the-world test flight.
May 14, 2016, at 02:32 pm
California, May 14 (IBNS) NASA has selected eight technology proposals for investment that have the potential to transform future aerospace missions, introduce new capabilities, and significantly improve current approaches to building and operating aerospace systems.
NASA satellite data could help reduce flights sidelined by volcanic eruptions
May 13, 2016, at 03:12 pm
Washington, May 13 (IBNS) A volcano erupting and spewing ash into the sky can cover nearby areas under a thick coating of ash and can also have consequences for aviation safety. Airline traffic changes due to a recent volcanic eruption can rack up unanticipated expenses to flight cancellations, lengthy diversions and additional fuel costs from rerouting.
NASA directly observes fundamental process of nature for 1st time
May 13, 2016, at 03:05 pm
California, May 13 (IBNS) Like sending sensors up into a hurricane, NASA has flown four spacecraft through an invisible maelstrom in space, called magnetic reconnection.
NASA's Kepler Mission announces largest collection of planets ever discovered
May 11, 2016, at 02:58 pm
Washington, May 11 (IBNS): NASA's Kepler mission has verified 1,284 new planets – the single largest finding of planets to date.
NASA Study: Rising carbon dioxide levels will help and hurt crops
May 04, 2016, at 03:20 pm
California, May 4 (IBNS) Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere may increase water-use efficiency in crops and considerably mitigate yield losses due to climate change, according to a new NASA study.
NASA to provide coverage of May 9 Mercury Transit of the Sun
May 04, 2016, at 03:11 am
California, May 3 (IBNS) NASA is inviting media and viewers around the world to see a relatively rare celestial event, with coverage of the Monday, May 9 transit of the sun by the planet Mercury.
NASA researchers improve hazardous weather forecasts
May 03, 2016, at 02:54 pm
California, May 3 (IBNS) Forecasts play key roles in many people’s lives, from planning picnics at the park, to cancelling flights and avoiding weather-related tragedies. Because weather can be a life-or-death matter, researchers work hard to develop new technology and ways to provide earlier and more accurate forecasts.
NASA research gives new insights into how the Moon got 'Inked'
Apr 30, 2016, at 03:12 pm
California, Apr 30 (IBNS): A powerful combination of observations and computer simulations is giving new clues to how the moon got its mysterious "tattoos" -- swirling patterns of light and dark found at over a hundred locations across the lunar surface.
“Miracle Suit†inspired by NASA research saves new mothers around the world
Apr 30, 2016, at 12:51 am
California, Apr 29 (IBNS) In 1969, NASA Ames Research Center received an unusual call for help: a local woman was still bleeding weeks after giving birth, despite every attempt to halt it — including nine surgeries.
On the road to finding other Earths
Apr 30, 2016, at 12:29 am
California, Apr 29 (IBNS) Scientists are getting closer to finding worlds that resemble our own "blue marble" of a planet. NASA's Kepler mission alone has confirmed more than 1,000 planets outside our solar system -- a handful of which are a bit bigger than Earth and orbit in the habitable zones of their stars, where liquid water might exist.
NASA's Fermi Telescope helps link Cosmic Neutrino to Blazar Blast
Apr 29, 2016, at 03:21 pm
California, Apr 29 (IBNS) Nearly 10 billion years ago, the black hole at the center of a galaxy known as PKS B1424-418 produced a powerful outburst. Light from this blast began arriving at Earth in 2012. Now astronomers using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and other space- and ground-based observatories have shown that a record-breaking neutrino seen around the same time likely was born in the same event.
NASA dedicates facility to Mathematician
Apr 29, 2016, at 03:13 pm
Washington, Apr 29 (IBNS) NASA will commemorate the many contributions of retired mathematician Katherine Johnson to America’s space program during a building dedication ceremony at 2 p.m. EDT Thursday, May 5 -- the 55th anniversary of Alan Shepard's historic rocket launch and splash down, which Johnson helped make possible.
Apr 28, 2016, at 02:26 pm
California, Apr 28 (IBNS) NASA is assisting public health officials, scientists and communities to better understand Zika virus and try to limit the spread of the disease it causes.
NASA moves to begin historic new era of X-Plane research
Apr 24, 2016, at 11:38 pm
California, Apr 24 (IBNS) There have been periods of time during the past seven decades – some busier than others – when the nation’s best minds in aviation designed, built and flew a series of experimental airplanes to test the latest fanciful and practical ideas related to flight.
NASA seeks industry ideas for an advanced Mars satellite
Apr 22, 2016, at 03:39 pm
California, Apr 22 (IBNS) NASA is soliciting ideas from U.S. industry for designs of a Mars orbiter for potential launch in the 2020s.
NASA works to improve solar electric propulsion for deep space exploration
Apr 20, 2016, at 03:21 pm
California, Apr 20 (IBNS) NASA has selected Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. of Redmond, Washington, to design and develop an advanced electric propulsion system that will significantly advance the nation's commercial space capabilities, and enable deep space exploration missions, including the robotic portion of NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) and its Journey to Mars.
NASA Supercomputer simulations help improve aircraft propulsion design
Apr 13, 2016, at 02:59 pm
California, Apr 13 (IBNS) NASA and aviation industry on Wednesday said it partnered and collaborating on the development of green aviation technologies.