Oct 22, 2021, at 02:16 am
NEW DELHI, OCT 21 (UNI):- Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacting with a frontline worker during his visit to the vaccination center at Ram Manohar Lohia hospital on completion of 100 crore vaccinations, in New Delhi on Thursday.
A woman receiving Covid19 vaccine in Hyderabad
Jun 30, 2021, at 11:49 pm
HYDERABAD, JUNE 30 (UNI):-Beneficiaries receiving the COVID-19 vaccin dose at Containment Ganaral Hospital, in Hyderabad on Wednesday.
Biggest commercial consignment of Sputnik V arrives in Hyderabad
Jun 02, 2021, at 12:34 am
HYDERABAD, JUNE 1 (UNI):-A shipment of 56.6 MT Sputnik V vaccines, The biggest commercial consignment arrived in Hyderabad on Tuesday.
A young man gets Covid-19 vaccine in Patna
May 20, 2021, at 10:36 pm
PATNA, MAY 20 (UNI):- Beneficiary over 18 receiving COVID-19 vaccine, at Patna Womens College campus, in Patna on Thursday.