Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.
Tennis legend Boris Becker and former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly on Sunday morning flagged off TATA Steel Kolkata 25K run. West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Arup Biswas, Minister of Sports Lakshmi Ratan Shukla and Prasun Mukherjee, President, Bengal Athletic Association besides Tollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta were present at the event. “Today, India is witnessing a running revolution. I have always believed that running is the best way to stay fit. It is also the easiest way to lead a healthy life. I am just thrilled to be in this city and it was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by these runners to be a part of this running movement,†said Boris Becker.