The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.
The festivity fever reached peak on Wednesday (Oct 21, 2015) as the day of Mahaashtami brought along happiness and different hues of aspiration with people flocking to the nearby pandals to offer 'anjali', a special prayer to the goddess. People adorned in traditional attires were spotted in long queues in almost every pandals (marquees) in the 'City of Joy', waiting for their turn to offer the special prayer since dawn. This year, the Sandhi puja has been performed in the morning itself.