Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS))
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra dazzled up Blenders Pride fashion tour in Kolkata wearing an attire designed by Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu on Saturday (18.11.2017). The evening had witnessed designs showcased by designers Nikhil Thampi and Shantanu & Nikhil to the beats presented by Grain ft. Kavya Trehan & Kamakshi Khanna.
(Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)