December 15, 2024 10:47 (IST)
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'Misunderstood': Ghulam Nabi Azad clarifies after praising PM Modi | TMC MLA, former Asansol Mayor Jitendra Tiwari joins BJP | Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan takes Covid-19 vaccine shot | TMC mouthpiece Kunal Ghosh faces ED interrogation in Saradha scam | Know your facts: Congress' Adhir Chowdhury hits back at rebel Anand Sharma over ISF remark | India registers 12,286 new COVID-19 cases | Amarinder Singh appoints Prashant Kishor as 'principal advisor' ahead of 2022 Assembly polls, offers him Cabinet rank | Congress Vs Congress: Anand Sharma hits out at Adhir Chowdhury over Bengal alliance | Ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to jail over corruption charges | PM Modi takes first dose of Covid-19 vaccine at AIIMS
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