December 29, 2024 06:51 am (IST)
How about some adda at The Royal Bengal Tiger Café!
Dec 21, 2021, at 03:30 am
“Beguni 10, Chingri cutlet 10, Dimer Devil 10…sab bhalo korey pack korey deben.” (pack ten each of brinjal fritters, prawn cutlets and devilled eggs properly)…so ordered my cousin as I stood by him watching the fare with hungry eyes. Delectable! As a child I would often accompany my cousins to pick up telehajas (fries) from this vendor, which would be served with kodbeler chutney (sour wood apple chutney). And for me there would be a special packet containing my favourite alur chop—just one!
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How about some adda at The Royal Bengal Tiger Café!
Mon, Dec 20 2021