NSCN-K: Decisive Moment, Uncertain Outcomes
Jun 14, 2017, at 08:42 pm
Shangwang Shangyung Khaplang widely known as S.S. Khaplang, the 'chairman' of the Khaplang faction of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-K) died in the evening of June 9, 2017, after a prolonged illness in a hospital at Taga in the Sagaing Division of Myanmar. Confirming his death, Indian intelligence sources disclosed that Khaplang, who belonged to the Hemi Naga tribe, had lately moved to Taga, the NSCN-K's headquarters, from his native village Waktham, east of the Pangsau Pass on the Arunachal Pradesh-Myanmar border. According to reports, Khaplang is likely to be buried near the 'NSCN-K Council Headquarters' in Taga in Myanmar on June 12, 2017. Athong Makury from the 'Council of Naga Affairs (CNA), the apex body of Naga people in Myanmar, announced on June 11 that the funeral would take place in the presence of "revolutionary parties of WESEA Region and civil representatives from all the Naga inhabited areas."