December 15, 2024 15:13 (IST)
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Karnataka polls: Congress releases fourth list, ex-CM Jagadish Shettar to contest Hubli-Dharwad seat | 'No mafia can threaten industrialists': Yogi Adityanath after Atiq Ahmed's murder | Man walks in with old Apple Mackintosh computer at Mumbai store launch, leaves CEO Tim Cook surprised | Apple in India: Tim Cook inaugurates company's first retail store in Mumbai amid 'incredible energy' | Karnataka polls: Congress leader DK Shivakumar's family has assets worth Rs 1,414 cr | Mukul Roy in Delhi, triggers fresh political speculation | Karnataka: BJP MLA Kumaraswamy quits BJP after being denied ticket | World viewing India as a 'bright spot' despite recession: PM Modi on Rozgar Mela | UP: Mafia-turned politician Atique's son Asad, accomplice wanted in Umesh Pal murder, killed in encounter | 'You are now reduced to a troll': Jyotiraditya Scindia hits back at Rahul Gandhi over Adani row
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