December 18, 2024 10:42 (IST)
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India registers 26,115 new COVID-19 cases in past 24 hours, active cases lowest in six months | Top religious body head Narendra Giri dies by suicide: UP Police | US to lift travel bans for fully vaccinated air passengers from November | India to resume vaccine export and donations from next month | Mobiles, internet services suspended in J&K's Uri after infiltration bid by heavily armed terrorists | BJP appoints Sukanta Majumdar as new Bengal chief replacing Dilip Ghosh | Raj Kundra granted bail in pornography shooting and streaming case | Normal life hit as heavy rain lashes Kolkata, leaves several areas waterlogged | Charanjit Singh Channi becomes new Punjab CM; appointment of two deputies likely | Hope Amarinder Singh works in interest of party: Ashok Gehlot
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