December 13, 2024 05:09 (IST)
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PM Modi congratulates new ministers in Gujarat govt | Virat Kohli to step down as T20 India captain after T20 World Cup | Union Cabinet approves Rs 30,600 cr for 'Bad Bank' | Sensex hits fresh all time high, Nifty makes fresh peak | AAP promises 300 units free power for every household, waive old dues in poll-bound UP | All new faces in Bhupendra Patel's Gujarat cabinet, 24 ministers take oath | Didn't know what Raj Kundra was upto: Shilpa Shetty on pornography case | ED summons Jacqueline Fernandez in money laundering case on Sept 25 | Hyderabad rape-murder case: Accused found dead on railway track, say Telangana Police | PM Modi slams critics of Central Vista, says new Parliament to be ready in time
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