Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.
Actors Ayushmann Khurana, Vibhu Puri, Pallavi Sharda and Sanjeev Lamba recently launched the trailer of their upcoming film Hawaizaada. The film is directed by Vibhu Puri and is a story based on the life of scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade who flew the first plan event before the Americans did. The team had kept a demonstration of all the miniature planes from that time. Hawaizaada is all set to release on Jan 30, 2015.