A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)
A special screening of Tollywood superstar Dev's Khadaan was held at the iconic Priya Cinema in Kolkata earlier this week. Apart from the lead actors Dev, Idhika Paul and others, several Bengali film personalities including the superstar's girlfriend, actress Rukmini Maitra were present. (Images by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)